Benefits of a Newer Phone System

Phones have come a long way since Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. Over the nearly 150 years since that first phone call was made by Bell, phones have evolved exponentially. In this article, we are going to discuss the latest in business phone communication and some benefits to be had by making the switch from a cabinetbased phone system, to a more modern software-based solution. 

The first benefit of a softwarebased system is reliability. Software makes up most of the system, decreasing the chance of hardware failure. This also makes it much easier to provide a redundant system in the rare occurrence of a failure.  

A second benefit is the ability to scale the phone system more easily than a digital system. Like mentioned above, the system is a software-based PBX which limits the amount of hardware necessary. What this means for scalability is adding additional phones/users or additional features no longer requires hardware upgrades to the systemWhereas on a digital system, there is a hard limit to the quantity of phones the system could hold before needing to purchase more hardware. Often those limits are in smaller quantities such as 16 phones. That makes the cost for the 17th phone much higher.   

A third benefit is the accessibility of the phone system. With older digital phone systems, the only access you have is the physical phone on your desk. With a newer system you would have access from a physical desk phone as well as a web client and even a cell phone app. The web client can be used as a soft phone with a headset accessed through the internet. The cell phone app allows you to take and make calls from your cell phone as if you were in the office. No longer would you have to give out your cell phone number to clients.  

These are just a few highlights of the many benefits of a software-based system. If you would like to hear more about other features, or talk more in-depth about the benefits above, we would love to have that discussion with you. Give us a call at 1-833-TECH-033 or email us at